Deadline Extended to January 31st for ALL SCHOOLS!
Tattnall County 4-H invites all 5th & 6th grade youth in Tattnall County to participate in our annual 4-H Essay Writing contest.
Contest entries can be on any topic the young person is interested in, as long as it would be appropriate to share in a school setting. Popular topics in past years have included soccer, horses, dolphins, art, video games, and many more. The purpose of the contest is to allow youth to identify a topic they are passionate about, research that topic to learn more about it, and then to share what they have learned with others.
Essays should follow a standard five paragraph essay format – Introduction, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusion. Youth who are in 6th grade may have up to seven paragraphs if additional body paragraphs are needed to adequately cover their topic. Essays that score well will be creative, include facts about the topic, and be well written in regards to grammar and spelling.
Depending on where a child attends school, they may have completed an essay last year for 4-H or they may have started work on an essay during in-school 4-H Club Meetings. It is totally acceptable to utilize these essays as a good starting point for creating an improved or completed essay for the 2022 contest! Parents are encouraged to ask their child if they’ve already worked on an essay for 4-H before starting a new one from scratch.
All essays must be submitted to the Extension Office no later than January 31st at 5 p.m. If your child has been working on their essay in Google Classroom, they can simply “turn in” their essay when they have it completed. Alternatively, essays can be submitted via email at Essays may also be delivered in person to the Extension Office at 114 North Main Street, Reidsville, GA 30453.
A panel of judges will review all essay submissions and the top three youth in each category will receive recognition ribbons and certificates. Up to 40 students may be selected as finalists. All finalists will be invited to participate in afterschool workshops and will be eligible to attend the Southeast District Project Achievement event in Swainsboro, GA on March 26th.
Essays will also be judged for our 4-H Camp Scholarship Competition. Thanks to generous donors, we will be offering a total of six $50 camp scholarships to the top six essays countywide.
For more information about the essay contest, please contact Rebekah Greene, 4-H Agent, at 912-557-6724, ext.4 or by email at