High school students from all across Georgia are invited to register for the annual Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference. The event will be held at the Clyde M. York 4-H Center in Crossville, Tennessee from September 19-22,2019. This Regional event is a great way to meet other youth from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. The event is open to youth in 9th-12th grade who are currently enrolled in 4-H. Registration cost for the event is $320 which includes charter bus transportation to the event (from Savannah or Macon), an event t-shirt, lodging, and most meals. The event is chaperoned by Extension\4-H staff members and volunteers who are assigned. Note: There is not a Tattnall County 4-H staff person or volunteer assigned to the event this year.
WORKSHOPS AND FUNSHOPS NEEDED! 4-H’ers are encouraged to apply to teach a Workshop or Funshop during the conference. We recommend pairing up with an adult who is attending or a fellow 4-H’er who shares your interest to help you teach your class. This is a wonderful opportunity to do some regional teaching on a topic you are interested in! Submit your workshop proposal using the following link by August 30: https://uky.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0TJ9mmUbmRh42z3
EXHIBITS: Counties and 4-H’ers are also encouraged to bring exhibits for the State Showcase. You can apply for an exhibit using this application, which is also due by August 30: https://ugeorgia.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_etzTZNEenSEdLx3
REGISTRATION: Youth who are interested in registering for the event must complete the event registration form and submit it with their full payment by cash or check no later than August 30th (the statewide registration deadline). Spaces are very limited and may fill up prior to the August 30th deadline. Registration forms are available at the Tattnall County Extension Office.
MORE INFO: Additional information about the event can be found at https://georgia4h.org/srtlc OR https://4h.tennessee.edu/Pages/4hsrtlc.aspx, including details on how to apply to serve as a Class Instructor or an Exhibitor at the event. For additional information, please feel free to contact the Tattnall County Extension Office at (912) 557-6724.