
  • Plum curculio are on the move

    Yesterday on March 17, 2020, we collected our first plum curculio of the season in one of our traps in Byron, GA. While we only collected a few, this indicates that plum curculio are becoming active in middle Georgia peaches. Although this may be a weird and uncertain time of the year, if you have…

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  • I just wanted to let everyone know that the 2020 peach guides have been updated and are now available online: The physical copies have been printed and will be available in the coming weeks (usually at your local grower meeting), but if you have any questions before then, please let me know. Thank you everyone,…

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  • The second large peak of San Jose scale crawler activity is right around the corner, within the next couple of weeks in middle Georgia. We’ve been collecting a few crawlers on untreated trees for a couple of weeks, but we are now starting to collect considerably higher numbers on our research trees in Fort Valley,…

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  • San Jose scale in-season management

    The first large peak of San Jose scale crawler activity is right around the corner. With the heat, the crawlers have been active for a few weeks, but we are now starting to collect considerable numbers of crawlers on the double-sided tapes on our un-treated research trees in Fort Valley, GA. The increasing numbers of…

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  • Today, March 18, 2019, we collected our first plum curculio of the season in one of our traps in Byron, GA. While we only found two, this indicates that plum curculio are becoming active in middle Georgia peaches. If you have varieties at or near petal fall, it is time to start preparing your plum…

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  • I just wanted to let everyone know that the 2019 peach guides have been updated and are now available online: The physical copies are at the printer as we speak and will be available early next year (so in a few weeks), but if you have any questions before then, please let me know.  …

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  • Court orders ban on chlorpyrifos

    Last week, a federal appeals court ordered the EPA to remove chlorpyrifos from sale in the United States within 60 days. While the threat of losing chlorpyrifos is not new and the ban is bound to happen eventually, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that our management recommendations/practices may be forced to…

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