Hi everyone, I was waiting to send this post until it seemed that we were reaching the end of our chill accumulation for this year. The weather has been very variable the last few days from warm, to wet, and to cold. The nice thing about the temperatures going down is that we have accumulated…
Update on Peach Skin Disorders Phil Brannen1 , John Mark Lawton2, Juan Carlos Melgar2, Brian Lawrence2, and Guido Schnabel2 1Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia 2Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Clemson University Inking has been an issue in southeastern peaches for years, but it has been difficult to determine the major causes of…
After a couple years of research on irrigation and fertilization of young peach plants at the University of Georgia, encouraging results are guiding further research to develop new guidelines for irrigation and fertilization practices for the southeastern United States. Accurate and precise irrigation and fertilization management for agricultural crops have become a priority and…
Posted in: Horticulture -
This is for sure going to be remembered as one of the most difficult years in peach production in the Southeastern U.S. Lack of chill and a late freeze have done their part. Now, it is time to decide what to do with the trees that are still not coming along as they should. I…
Posted in: Horticulture