
  • Plum Curculio and Scale Update

    I posted last week about scale management, but I wanted to send out a reminder about scale and an update for everyone that plum curculio (PC) adults are also active in the orchards (see image above taken last week). In blocks that still have fruit, if you are and have been on top of your…

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  • The second peak of San Jose scale crawler activity is right around the corner. We have begun capturing considerable numbers of crawlers on June 19 on research trees in Fort Valley, GA (see image). The peak emergence of scale crawlers in this region is expected to occur within the next couple of days, and thus…

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  • The first peak of San Jose scale crawler activity is right around the corner. We have begun capturing considerable numbers of crawlers on April 17 on un-treated research trees in Fort Valley, GA (see image). The peak emergence of scale crawlers in this region is expected to occur within the next several days, and thus…

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  • Plum curculio activity

    Today, March 21, 2018, we collected our first plum curculio of the season in one of our traps in Fort Valley. While we only found one, this indicates that plum curculio are becoming active in middle Georgia peaches, so it is time to start preparing your plum curculio management program. Check out the 2018 management…

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  • We are a month in to the new year and I just wanted to remind everyone that if you have not already done so, it is time to start thinking about a delayed-dormant application of horticultural oil for scale insect management. The above 50°F weather makes for a lovely day, but the scale insects enjoy…

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  • Insect pests spotted in orchards

    We are now beginning to detect plum curculio and San Jose scale crawlers in Fort Valley…

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  • Late frost has hurt many varieties in South Carolina and Georgia this year. The varieties that escaped the frost, the late bloomers with high chill requirements, still may have fruit and will probably go on a regular spray program, even if chill requirements were not met and a reduced crop load may occur. But what…

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