Ashley Best
In the wake of Hurricane Helene, there are a lot of trees down in pastures and on fences. On top of the obvious issue of down fence not holding cows and horses in, this can create a couple of additional issues: If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to reach…
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Written by Dr. Bob Stougaard The most recent USDA NASS Georgia Crop Progress and Condition Report had this to say about livestock and pastures: Cattle were in mostly good to fair condition, while pastures were in mostly fair to poor condition. Armyworms continued to be a problem for many operators, although cooler weather brought some…
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Broccoli Growing Basics: Soil: broccoli prefers a soil pH between 6 to 7 and temperatures of 60–65°F (will tolerate temperatures between 40–75°F). Spacing: Rows 18–36” apart, sow 4–6” and thin to 12–24” Companion planting: Incompatibility – cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, beans, tomato, strawberry. Companions – beets, spinach, chard, garlic, potatoes, cucumbers, rosemary. Water requirements: Best watered…
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Demos and Break Outs will include: Conference registration and overnight lodging on October 2nd is covered for this event HOWEVER if you do not cancel and do not show you will be responsible to pay the conference fee of $300!CANCELLATION POLICY – MUST NOTIFY US OF CANCELLATION NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 20th! Small Farm Conference Registration…
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Article By: David Buntin and Will Hudson, Entomology Department, UGA and Lisa Baxter, Forage Agronomist, UGA By late summer, fall army worms (FAW) are present in every county of GA every year. The difference year to year is when they show up and in what numbers. The FAW does not overwinter in GA. Our worms…
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Our office has been getting increasingly more calls about random holes in clients’ yards and their flower garden areas rooted up. After assessing photos and conducting site visits, it was quickly determined that armadillos were the offender. Armadillos can destroy flower beds, root up lawns and test the sanity of homeowners. They are considered an…
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In preparation for Springtime, the outdoors fun is right around the corner. By accomplishing a few outdoor chores early, we can look for a landscape that should provide us beauty and enjoyment all year. The list of possible landscape jobs is almost endless but focus on the essential tasks. It is not too late to…
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Date: Friday March 15th and Saturday March 16th, 2024 Time: 9:00am- 4:30pm Location: UGA Griffin Campus | 1109 Experiment St. Griffin, GA 30223 To Register:
Posted in: General Agriculture -
When it comes to controlling crabgrass in a lawn, an ounce of prevention is really worth a pound of cure. Using a pre-emergence herbicide soon will be much easier than trying to kill the mature weed in your lawn this summer.
Growing Oyster Mushrooms at Home Ingredients: Procedure: Instructions at home: Troubleshooting: