Soil Testing
Developing and maintaining productive soils begin with soil testing. Soils tests provide information on the soil’s actual nutrient status. Test results are used to determine the amount and kind of nutrients that should be added for the best growth of lawn, garden, and other types of plants. Recommendations about when and how to apply nutrients are only as good as the soil sample submitted for analysis.
Soil can be brought directly to our office in a ziploc bag or other container. We can then transfer it to our brown soil sample bags.
Routine Soil Test (S1) $10: (tests for pH, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and manganese)
Expanded Soil Test (S2) $16: (routine soil test + numerous other elements)
Organic Matter (S6) $14L: (loss on ignition, LOI)
Sample Turn-around-time: 7-10 business days
Water Testing
Basic Water Test (W1) $25: (pH, hardness, numerous other common pollutants)
- This test will require you to come to the office and pick up a 4 oz. bottle. You will follow the procedures in the link below to take the water test and then return the bottle back to the Newton Extension office. You will then pay for the test at that time.
Expanded Water Test (W2) $65: (Basic water test + anions, soluble salts, and alkalinity)
- This test will require you to come to the office and pick up a 16 oz. bottle. You will follow the procedures in the link below to take the water test and then return the bottle back to the Newton Extension office. You will then pay for the test at that time.
E. coli and Fecal Coliform Test (W35) $36:
- Requires sample in a special bottle. You will pick up the W35 kit at the office. Fill out the submission form in the box and follow the directions to take the test. Put the bottle in the box along with payment in check or money order. You will be responsible for overnight shipping the kit and payment to the lab. Samples accepted Monday-Thursday 8:00am – 4:00pm. We recommend to ship on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Home Loan Closing (W33B) : W42 (Pb)+W6 (Nitrate)+W7 (Nitrite)+W35 (Total Coliform/E. coli)
- These four tests are commonly required for home closings. Ask your lending agency for specific details. Normal turnaround time is 5-10 business days. You can pick up a W33B kit at the office. Fill out the submission form in the box and follow the directions to take the test. Put the bottle in the box along with payment in check or money order. You will be responsible for overnight shipping the kit and payment to the lab. Samples accepted at the lab Monday-Thursday 8:00am – 4:00pm. We recommend to ship on Mondays and Tuesdays or drive it to the lab.
Homeowner Plant Disease Diagnosis: (disease diagnosis + treatment suggestions)
Feed and Forage tests: Prices vary
Site Visits: assessment of production issue and recommendations for correction
These are some of the most common tests that we offer. If you have a need that is not met by these diagnostics, please give us a call and we will be happy to go over our many additional options!