A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Resources for GA MGEVs

Recent Posts

  • We’ve had a great response to registration for our upcoming Regional Leadership Conference (RLC) scheduled for March 20, 2020, in Albany, GA. As a precaution, we have decided to forego the March RLC in favor of incorporating the “Developing Strategic Content” material into our June session. Further updates will be included here on Trellis and…

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  • Our state initiative, Value of Landscapes, utilizes horticulture and landscaping to enhance community development and economic growth. We don’t claim to be economic development authorities, but we do know that gardens and landscaping can have profound economic impacts, such as: higher property values faster home sales reduced crime increased sales for businesses Some samples of…

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  • MGEVs can make great contributions to an agent’s media plan within a county. Traditionally, this has been through a regular newspaper column. Even though printed newspaper circulation has been in decline for several years, it is still estimated to reach 28 million people on a weekday basis and 30 million on a Sunday. Digital newspaper…

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  • Our state initiative, Environmental Stewardship, is all about teaching people to protect and enhance the environment through use of sustainable landscape management practices. Most MGEV efforts are in this area, as we shared last week. Some samples of projects that fall under this initiative are included in this table from the Volunteerism Guide: When we…

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  • Tree Talk

    We’re talkin’ trees because Arbor Day is this month – on the 21st (Check out our previous blog post for easy celebration ideas). Do you know why we celebrate Arbor Day on this particular date in Georgia? December through the end of February is the best time to plant trees in Georgia. Dr. Jason Gordon…

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  • Did you know that March 14 is “Learn About Butterflies Day”? While the origin of this “national day” is not known, we do not need very much of an excuse to share our love of plants and deep appreciation of butterflies with our friends and neighbors. Consider your media outlets in your community. Be sure…

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  • What comes to mind when you hear “Environmental Stewardship”? How about “Health Benefits of Gardening”? That’s right! The state initiatives for the Georgia Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program. These are areas of emphasis for our educational projects extended to the public to teach others about plants and gardening. You can read their descriptions here. MGEV…

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  • The birds are singing and the weather is more warm than winter. It feels as if gardening season might be near, and so will be the calls and questions from the public seeking guidance for their plants and landscapes. To keep you on top of things during the gardening season, we offer the third season…

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  • What do sales people and MGEVs have in common? They both want to give you advice and information, only ours is free! MGEVs work hard to gather and prepare unbiased, research-based information for the gardening public. We want to make sure our Extension messages are heard and seen in today’s busy and loud world of…

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  • In a previous post, we discussed a spring lecture series that MGEVs often organize for the public (read more here). These series, referred to as “Lunch-n-Learns” because they are offered frequently at the noon hour so that people can attend on their lunch break, provide a great opportunity to showcase MGEV expertise in many areas.…

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