Posted in: Ornamentals
Begin harvesting cool-season vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, and collards. Enjoy apple harvests in the north part of the state. Clean up any remaining warm-season vegetable plants, such as tomatoes or peppers. Fall is a great time to conduct a soil test for your vegetable garden. Lime or sulfur can be added…
Posted in: Ornamentals -
As fall progresses, continue to remove old and spent foliage from warm-season annuals and summer-blooming perennials. Any non-diseased plant debris can be composted. Enjoy the addition of cool-season annuals to your landscape, such as pansies, dusty miller, and snapdragons. Fall mums are also colorful additions to the fall landscape. Container gardens can be renewed with…
Posted in: Ornamentals
Posted in: Ornamentals
Monitor soil moisture for continued turf health, as October can be a dry month for Georgia. Ideally, 1” of water per week keeps turf hydrated. Make lime applications if necessary, according to soil test results, to adjust pH. Cool-season turf – Important fall maintenance tasks include: New turf can be established. Fall fertilization will begin mid-month. …
Posted in: Ornamentals -
MGEVs, are you part of the media team in your local program? Do you write articles for local newspapers? your office blogs or websites? contribute to your county Extension’s social media sites? If so, then this post is for you! You might use this list as a source of article ideas to cover more in…
Posted in: Ornamentals -
All year, we’ve been encouraging MGEVs to prepare research-based articles about gardening topics for sharing in local newspapers, webpages, and social media accounts. We have been offering regular articles in a monthly format, addressing timely care of woody ornamentals, turf, vegetables and fruits, as well as annuals and perennials. You may have seen our “Things…
MGEVs, are you part of the media team in your local program? Do you write articles for local newspapers? your office blogs or websites? contribute to your county Extension’s social media sites? If so, then this post is for you! You might use this list as a source of article ideas to cover more in…
Posted in: Ornamentals -
MGEVs, are you part of the media team in your local program? Do you write articles for local newspapers? your office blogs or websites? contribute to your county Extension’s social media sites? If so, then this post is for you! You might use this list as a source of article ideas to cover more in…
Posted in: Ornamentals