A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Resources for GA MGEVs

MGEVs, are you part of the media team in your local program? Do you write articles for local newspapers? your office blogs or websites? contribute to your county Extension’s social media sites? If so, then this post is for you!  

You might use this list as a source of article ideas to cover more in depth. You might want to re-post to your county blog site to share with people in your county. As with any of our written materials, please share with your Extension agent first prior to publishing! 

Regardless of turf type, fall is an ideal time to conduct a soil test.

Cool season turf – Begin preparing for important fall maintenance tasks. 

  • New turf can be established starting mid-month. Sod can be established between September and April, and seeding should occur September to November (pending soil temperatures).
  • Fall fertilization will begin mid-month. 
  • Continue monitoring for disease in turf, as warm temperatures, rain, and high humidity can persist through the fall. 
  • Insect pests can still present problems for turf. Continue monitoring for armyworms, chinch bugs, and sod webworms. 

Warm season turf – The growing season is nearly done, but important care steps continue! 

  • Monitor soil moisture for continued turf health. Ideally, 1” of water per week keeps turf hydrated. 
  • Interseeding is ideally done mid-September to mid-October. Check for any preemergent applications in the last 30-60-90 days, as they may have residual activity against interseeding.
  • Preemergent applications for winter annual weed control range from mid-August to mid-September in North Georgia to mid-September to mid-October in South Georgia.
  • Continue monitoring for disease in turf, as warm temperatures, rain, and high humidity can persist through the fall. 
  • Insect pests can still present problems for turf. Continue monitoring for armyworms, chinch bugs, and sod webworms. 
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