The Long County Board of Commissioners received a certificate presented by the 4-H program during their August business meeting. Ms. Shelby and 9th grade 4-H’er, Alyssa Lindbom, were able to speak on behalf of the 4-H program to thank the commissioners for their support and budget approval to purchase a new van. Pictured below was the presentation of the certificate with Ms. Annette Walker, Long County Extension Admin. Assistant.

The 4-H program received a brand new 15 passenger Ford transit van in June just in time for an unforgettable and busy summer. We traveled far and wide all over the state while the 4-H’ers created lasting memories. Our summer consisted of the Blueberry Festival in Alma, a Savannah Bananas baseball game, Camp Fortson 4-H Center in Atlanta, paintballing, Wilderness Challenge Camp in Dahlonega, the Strike Zone in Brunswick for bowling and glow in the dark mini golf, Jekyll Island 4-H Center for Junior Camp and a DNR Fishing trip in Brunswick. We were able to clock just under 1,800 miles throughout the summer but most importantly, it carried countless smiles along the many miles of fun! Alyssa Lindbom was able to attend two summer camps this year along with several other summer programming activities. She thanked the county commissioners for allowing her and her friends to experience awesome adventures this summer because the traveling was easier and saved our program money. We are very excited to continue watching the Long County 4-H program thrive!

Among with many others, Alyssa was one of about 80 students that walked through our 4-H doors this summer. We’d like to thank the Long County Board of Commissioners again for their continued commitment to not only our county but for the support in the extension resources our office provides our community. All commissioners also received individual thank you cards written by some of our 4-H students.