Dobbins ARB, the Army National Guard, and Georgia 4-H are teaming up to offer a 6-week virtual 4-H public speaking club for military-dependents ages 14-18. They are excited to bring reserve, guard, and active duty dependent youth together to discuss their resiliency and hear their stories as we develop their public speaking skills. The 4-H Military Resilient Speakers Club is grant-funded, so there are no fees to participate. The club will be held for 6 Saturdays starting on Feb. 19 from 10-11 AM. All military youth (14-18) are welcome regardless of service branch or location. They will also hold a showcase event at the Dobbins ARB on April 16th.
This exciting club gives students a chance to engage in the design process, critical thinking, military reflection, and positive youth development as it relates to public speaking! This club will include live virtual workshops, as well as an opportunity to showcase skills gained at a face-to-face event at Dobbins Air Reserve Base. To celebrate military-dependent teens resiliency, the public speaking club will focus on youth stories to showcase their personal resilience. Registration is now open and will remain open until Friday February 11, 2022, (at 5:00 pm). The virtual club will take place on Zoom. Meetings will begin at 10:00 AM and will conclude at 11:00 AM on the following Saturdays: Feb. 19th, Feb. 26th, March 5th, March 12th, March 19th, March 26th. The Zoom link for the club will be shared with registered club members. Participants are required to electronically complete the 4-H Code of Conduct and Virtual Consent Form prior to the zoom meetings using the electronic system in 4-H Enrollment. Please contact Ms. Shelby if you’d like to sign your student up or have any further questions. Long County looks forward to connecting military youth from across the state through this virtual club.