
SAVE THE DATE: November 15, 2024

America Recycles Day (ARD) is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting & celebrating recycling in the US! It educates & encourages people on how to be more mindful of what they consume, where & how to properly recycle.

Buying Recycled

We must not only recycle but buy recycled products! Look for the recycled content symbol or read the labels to determine if a product contains recycled content.

The recycling symbol has 3 chasing symbols. Each arrow represents one step in the 3-step process that completes the recycling loop. The first arrow is the collections step. The second arrow is the manufacturing step. The recycling loop is not complete until the materials are collected at curbside and drop-off sites are manufactured into new products and purchased by consumers.

Recyclable material is accepted at all compactor sites. Local businesses wishing to recycle may participate in the City’s curbside recycling program by calling the City Public Works Department at 770-387-5602.