To receive an information packet with application forms, call 770-387-5167 or click here to print:
The Keep Bartow Beautiful Adopt-a-Road Program is modeled after the Georgia Department of Transportation’s Adopt-a-Highway Program. Volunteers can adopt a stretch of Bartow County roadway and help remove litter from that roadside. Volunteers are only able to adopt a state route through the Adopt-a-Highway website. Either way, Adopting a roadway can benefit everyone as it:
1. Saves taxpayer dollars 2. Provides recognition for participating companies and organizations 3. Raises public awareness of the costs of littering 4. Improves the environment 5. Promotes civic responsibility and pride 6. Provides assistance to the cleaning of city and county roadways.
Adopt-a-Road sponsors help their community reduce litter removal costs. In Bartow County alone, three litter crews work regularly to pick up the roads, at a cost of over $100,000 annually. The state of Georgia spends an additional $11,000,000 annually to remove roadside trash along state highways and interstates.
Any civic-minded group, business, industry or individual is welcome to apply for participation in the Adopt-a-Road program.
• adopt at least a one mile stretch of county/city roadway
• remove litter from that roadway at least four times a year
• file quarterly reports of that removal with Keep Bartow Beautiful
Each adopter will receive:
• a packet of information on the Adopt-a-Road program
• two signs, placed on the adopted area, with the adopter’s name• safety vests, gloves, and trash bags
• safety training which can be delivered in person prior to your first cleanup or viewed
Additional Resources: