State Award Winning “Bring One For The Chipper” Christmas trees recycling
Drop Off Locations:
Bartow County Solid Waste Collection Centers: all twelve (12) COLLECTION SITES will be accepting your “live” UN-DECORATED Christmas Trees. These trees will be used to support the fish habitat sites in Lake Allatoona and hopefully to provide mulch for school garden projects. COLLECTION CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION – Call 770-387-5145 for current hours. Lake Allatoona sites: Allatoona Lake Operations, Victoria Day Use Area, Galt’s Day Use Area, Sweetwater Campground overflow parking area, Payne Boat Ramp, Blockhouse 1 behind Paw Paw’s Convenience Store and Bethany Bridge Fishing area.
Contact Katie Martin 770-387-5142 with any questions about either project. Ask about volunteer opportunities.
For 25 years since 1991, Bring One For The Chipper, Georgia’s annual Christmas tree recycling program has collected and recycled over 6 million trees. Keep Bartow Beautiful began its program in 2000 and since that time has grown to support 2 distinct projects.
1- The original intention in recycling “live” Christmas Trees was a response to the 1991 Yard Trimmings Waste Disposal Act which bans yard trimmings from lined landfills minimizing landfilled materials and extending the “life” of these landfills. These trees were mulched for water conservation in landscaping and erosion control.
2 – The program was expanded in 2006 when KBB was asked to partner with The Lake Allatoona Corps of Engineers, DNR, Wildlife Action and others in a “Fish Habitat” program where whole trees are anchored and eventually submerged to provide habitat for small fish in a man-made lake where there is no natural bottom cover. Announced as an AWARD-winning program by Keep Georgia Beautiful on December 2, 2016.
Additional information on importance of recycling trees for fish habitats: https://habitat.fisheries.org/recycling-christmas-trees-find-second-home-as-fish-habitat/
Marietta Bass Masters recognized for “Volunteer Commitment” from Bartow County Government – GA DNR Fisheries & Corps of Engineers Lake Allatoona receive state award for “Community Improvement”.