If you have Incurred Losses as a Result of the Devastation of Hurricane Michael, PLEASE READ BELOW
Dr. Jennifer J. Tucker, Asst. Professor, UGA CAES Tifton
Dr. Dennis W. Hancock, Professor and Forage Extension Specialist, UGA CAES Athens
Dr. R. Lawton Stewart, Jr., Assoc. Professor and Extension Animal Scientist, UGA CAES Athens
Dr. Jacob R. Segers, Asst. Professor and Extension Animal Scientist, UGA CAES Tifton
Dr. Dennis W. Hancock, Professor and Forage Extension Specialist, UGA CAES Athens
Dr. R. Lawton Stewart, Jr., Assoc. Professor and Extension Animal Scientist, UGA CAES Athens
Dr. Jacob R. Segers, Asst. Professor and Extension Animal Scientist, UGA CAES Tifton
(adapted from articles authored by Dr. Matt Poore, Professor and Extension Animal Scientist at North Carolina State University in response to Hurricane Florence in September 2018)
As a result of Hurricane Michael, many producers in the affected areas of Georgia have lost pasture growth, hay stocks, feed supplies, and livestock. Farmers will be assessing damage to fields, stock, and property in the weeks to come. This article is intended to provide recommendations to farmers impacted by the storm that experienced damage to their pasture-based production systems.
If you incurred losses or would like more information on the following topics, CLICK HERE
Livestock that Died During the Event
Damage to Hay
Damage to Silage Crops
Damage incurred to Pastures
Physical Damage to Fences and Grazinglands
Loss of Feed
Maintaining Health of Grazing Livestock
NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQUIP)