Extension R.E.A.D.S. has partnered with Georgia Farm Bureau’s Agriculture in The Classroom program to promote literacy, agriculture awareness and hands-on education! The purpose of Georgia Farm Bureau’s Ag in the Classroom program is to increase agricultural literacy among children and the general public. It provides tools for more effective teaching about agriculture and its role in an interdependent society, and to assist Georgia ’s educators in implementing the instruction of agriculture-related concepts in the classroom. The Ag in the Classroom program partners with teachers and other organizations to provide free educational resources like the book of the month recommendations below. For more information about Georgia Farm Bureau or the Ag in The Classroom program, check out their website at www.gfb.ag/aitc.

Jayden’s Secret Ingredient
By Melina Mangal
Did you know…
Jayden loves the outdoors and the garden he created with his friend Mr. Curtis. But he’s not so sure about sampling some of the garden’s produce. When Mr. Curtis invites neighbors to share the harvest of scarlet runner beans, Jayden faces a dilemma. Will he find the courage to try something
May’s AGtivity sheet includes fun facts, videos at Georgia farms, interactive lessons with expert professors, and activity sheets that include recipes, crafts, STEM challenges and more like the ones below!

Did you know…
Join Lucy as she meets Mr. Logger and friends and learns all about logging! Learn how the forests are kept healthy and replenished. Find out what kinds of items come from trees the answers may surprise you! June’s AGtivity sheet includes fun facts, videos at Georgia farms, interactive lessons with expert professors, and activity sheets that include recipes, crafts, STEM challenges and more like the ones below!


Lucy Meets a Logger
by Stephanie Fuller

Harriet’s Hungry Worms
by Samantha Smith
Did you know…
The average lifespan of an earthworm is a year!! The most common earthworms used in vermicomposting are the red wrigglers and the European live night crawlers.
July’s AGtivity sheet includes fun facts, videos at Georgia farms, interactive lessons with expert professors, and activity sheets that include recipes, crafts, STEM challenges and more like the ones below!

Did you know…
Highland cattle originated in the Highlands and west coastal islands of Scotland. They are the oldest registered breed of cattle in the world!
August’s AGtivity sheet includes fun facts, videos with about Georgia’s forage industry, news clips and activities that include recipes, crafts, STEM challenges and more like the ones below!


Hay for the Highlands
by Meghan Snare

My Grandpa, My Tree, and Me
by Roxanne Troup
Did you know…
In 1995, Georgia pecan wood was selected by the Atlanta Committee to make the handles of the torches for the 1996 Olympic Games. The torches were carried in the 15,000-mile U.S.A. relay and in the lighting of the Olympic flame in Atlanta on July 19, 1996.
September’s AGtivity sheet includes fun facts, videos with a pecan farmer, news clips and activities that include pecan recipes, coloring pages, sensory exercises, lessons and more like the ones below!

Did you know…
Although we often think of pumpkins as vegetables, they’re actually fruits! Pumpkins, along with cucumbers, tomatoes, and avocados, come from the flowers of their plants. That makes them all fruits. October’s AGtivity sheet includes fun facts, videos with about Georgia’s pumpkin industry, news clips and activities that include recipes, crafts, STEM challenges and more like the ones below!
