USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is reminding farmers and ranchers who participate in FSA programs to plan accordingly in FY2014 for automatic spending reductions known as sequestration. The Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA) mandates that federal agencies implement automatic, annual reductions to discretionary and mandatory spending limits. For mandatory programs, the sequestration rate for…
We are currently in the process of scheduling the 2013-2014 production meetings. We want to offer programs that are both interesting and beneficial to our producers. If you have any ideas or suggestions for this years meetings, please feel free to call, email, stop-by, or comment below. Tentative offer of meetings in no certain order…
Cotton Marketing News is written biweekly by UGA cotton economist, Don Shurley, and sponsored by Southern Cotton Growers, Inc.
I some of you have already begun to defoliate cotton or are getting close. If you need any advise/help, give me a call. You can always check out our defoliation recommendations in the 2013 UGA Pest Management Handbook. Click here and scroll down to page 195.
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Check out the letter below produced by the Georgia Cotton Commission. It addresses some serious lint contamination issues. Click anywhere on the document to make it larger.
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Cotton prices are looking good according to Dr. Shurley…
Posted in: Cotton -
Mark your calendars for the 2013 UGA Cotton & Peanut Research Field Day, which is scheduled for Wednesday September 11th, 2013 in Tifton. The field day will begin at the UGA Gibbs Farm (226 William Gibbs Rd, Tifton, GA) at 8:30 a.m., and will end with lunch at the UGA Black Shank Pavilion. This field…
Posted in: Cotton