I spent the day down in Tifton attending the UGA Cotton Growers Workshop and Cotton Association meeting. Lots of good information and interesting people to talk to! I presented two sessions on the climate of 2014 and the outlook for 2015. I’ve posted my summary for 2014 on this blog already, but let me briefly…
One of the two USDA projects I am involved in (and who help sponsor this blog), Animal Agriculture in a Changing Climate, has a blog called “Considering Climate”. David Schmidt, the blog’s author, published a short commentary today by Dr. Larry Jacobson, one of the project leaders, on some insights he had while attending a…
Posted in: Climate and Ag in the news -
The strong storm that has affected the northeastern US this week has caused minimal problems for most dairy farmers in that region. Forecasts of the storm ahead of time allowed milk producers and haulers to reroute their trucks around the areas with the worst hazards, and the few dairies that experienced power problems had generators…
The Modern Farmer had a fascinating article this week on the production of tea in Turkey. According to the article, the people of Turkey consume more tea per capita than any other country in the world. To provide all this tea, Turkey started growing tea along the eastern shore of the Black Sea, and it…
The Packer noted that bad weather has affected supplies of watermelons from Mexico this year. They reported that volumes are down quite a bit from earlier in the season due to cold weather, which has delayed the ripening of the crop. Supplies are expected to be short until mid-March. “On Jan. 21, the U.S. Department…
If you like to watch the weather in other parts of the country like I do, you are following the developing story about the blizzard in the Northeast with a lot of interest. Here are a couple of links to interesting postings on the storm: Antecedent conditions for a nor’easter from the CIMSS satellite blog…
Posted in: Climate and Ag in the news -
Winston Eason of Clayton County wrote me this morning asking about finding maps for average chill hours for a class he is teaching on backyard fruit trees and orchards. So far I have not been successful in finding a Georgia-specific map on average chill hours, but I did run across several other sources of information…