Tropical weather
The US Forest Service published a blog post that detailed all of the damage to forests and foresters in Florida after the passage of Hurricane Michael back in October. One of the most interesting quotes in the blog said “It would take 2.4 million logging trucks to remove all of the dead trees that we have…
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution published a sad but interesting story this week about how farmers in Southwest Georgia are still coping with the total devastation of Hurricane Michael. In many cases, it is clear that life will never be the same, but farmers and other residents are working together towards a new future. You can read…
The Georgia Department of Ag put together a heart-wrenching six-page media guide called “Facing the Storm” that contained stories from a number of farmers around Georgia that were affected by Hurricane Michael. I think you will marvel at their stories and share in their sadness as they pick up the pieces of their lives and…
Here’s an interesting timelapse graphic based on USGS data which shows the time evolution of rainfall from Hurricane Matthew and the resultant flooding in rivers up the East Coast. You can view it at Reddit here.
Here is an interesting time-lapse video showing the power outages from Hurricane Michael. Over 3.1 million customers affected, and at one point 1.6 million people were without power. Check it out at
Hurricane Florence came ashore in North Carolina six weeks ago, but many stories of the damage have beeen eclipsed by the more recent impacts of Hurricane Michael, which came ashore on the Florida Panhandle just a few weeks ago. But for folks in the Carolinas affected by the flooding from Florence, life has only begun…
Growing Georgia posted a new story about the impacts of Hurricane Michael from the standpoint of several farmers in southwest Georgia. The impacts are going to be felt in many ways for years to come. You can read the story at