Tropical weather
While Hurricane Florence has grabbed the bulk of the news about damage to agriculture in the Southeast, Tropical Storm Gordon also caused some major problems for growers in the Panhandle of Florida and southern Alabama. Gordon came through early in September and hit that area right when cotton and peanuts were starting to be harvested.…
With all of the news about agricultural impacts from Gordon and Florence this year, extension agents and agricultural producers will surely be interested in this upcoming workshop on improving resilience on farms to extreme events like hurricanes. The workshop will be held in Gainesville FL on November 15. The workshop organizers are looking for your…
A preliminary estimate of agricultural losses in North Carolina due to Hurricane Florence was published today in the Southeast Farm Press as $1.1 billion based on acreage affected and the 5-year average of crop yields. By far the highest loss was due to row crops, which were near harvest and in many cases were complete…
An analysis of the deaths that have occurred due to Hurricane Florence by the Los Angeles Times shows that more than half of the victims of the storm died while in their cars. Most were due to drowning after the cars drove past barriers or were swamped by rising water, but some also occurred when…
The Southeast Farm Press published an article today that said the losses to agriculture due to the wind, storm surge and flooding of Hurricane Florence have been estimated at $125 million to South Carolina alone. Since flooding is still going on there, and in some cases the water is still rising, I would expect the…
The Southeast Farm Press posted a story earlier this week about what flyovers of the area affected by Hurricane Florence are showing for farmers in southeastern North Carolina, and it’s not pretty. The heaviest flooding is hitting just where agricultural production is the most concentrated, causing potentially huge losses for farmers there. This is just…
Recently we passed the 1-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria’s devastating passage across Puerto Rico. The number of deaths from the storm, many after the storm passed, has recently been updated to almost 3,000 deaths, including many who died afterwards from lack of electricity to run medical devices, heat, diseases, and lack of water. Time magazine…