I hear some stories about how changes in the weather can affect people’s physical health, with creaky knees or swollen sinuses occurring with some types of weather. Here is a recent story from EuroNews about how weather may affect young people’s mental health. Researchers led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) found that…
Women’s Health posted an interesting story this week about how heat waves affect the health of pregnant women, especially in the time period close to their due date. If the heat lasts for several days, the women become more likely to experience contractions and may even go into early labor due the heat and dehydration…
Do you spend a lot of time outside this time of year? It could be working on a tractor, feeding cattle, golfing, or out on the water. If so, you should also be weather-aware and be prepared to find a safe place to get away from severe weather, high winds, lightning, and hail. Here are…
While I’ve been on the road quite a bit in the last few weeks, I have seen a few stories you might be interested in. Washington Post: Cherry blossoms have bloomed longer than usual and aren’t done yet National Geographic: Did you enjoy the cherry blossoms’ early peak bloom? It was a warning sign. Indiana…
How do you feel about winter weather? Do you love it or hate it? This thoughtful essay by an emergency room physician discusses how someone’s attitude may be colored by whether they have access to heat and shelter, good health, or other factors. In the essay, the author Edwin Leap says “When I see our…
Many people claim to be affected by weather patterns such as high or low pressure, low humidity, and other factors. They are linked to joint pain, migraines, and other health issues. One of my colleagues, Dr. Chris Elcik of the UGA Geography/Atmospheric Sciences program, has studied how people sensitive to weather are eager to get…
We know that weather and climate can affect many aspects of human and animal behavior. Here is one I did not know about. An article this week in Atlas Obscura discusses languages in different parts of the world and notes that linguists have determined that languages developed in warm parts of the world have developed…