There have been numerous changes made for applicators applying dicamba to cotton/soybeans in 2018. Please refer to the enclosed Auxin Training Requirements – Georgia 2018 handout below.
In order to remain compliant, the actual applicator (individual spraying dicamba) can attend one of the One-On-One Using Pesticides Wisely Trainings that I will offer (or) can attend one of the six Using Pesticides Wisely Classroom Trainings that will be offered in Georgia in 2018. Dates and locations of the classroom trainings are listed on enclosed handout. Notice that there will be one offered at the Bulloch County Center for Agriculture on March 19 at 9:00 am.
For those of you that want your applicators to attend the One-On-One Training to get their certificate to apply dicamba in 2018, please have them signup for one of the trainings listed below:
Date Time
February 14 9:00 am (or) 2:00 pm
February 22 9:00 am
March 22 9:00 am (or) 2:00 pm
These meetings will be held at the Bulloch County Center for Agriculture. Please call the Bulloch County Extension Office at least one day prior to the meeting you are registering to attend. This will allow us to have the certificates, so no one will have to wait after the conclusion of the training. The meeting will be completed within one hour.
If these dates do not work for you or your applicators, please contact me so that we can arrange a time to meet with the applicators (whether I come to your farm or you come to my office). I have met with some applicators in 2017 and we will be contacting them to get them their certificates.
For those of you that have not attended one of the Using Pesticides Wisely Classroom Trainings in the past three years (2015-2017), there will be one offered in Bulloch County on March 19. This meeting is required for the person in charge of the in-season applications to XtendFlex cotton, Xtend soybean, Enlist Duo or Enlist One in Enlist cotton or soybeans.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the trainings or requirements. Farmers will be required to have a certified pesticide license to purchase dicamba (Engenia, FeXapan or XtendiMax) in 2018, because these products are now restricted use pesticides. One hour of pesticide credit is offered at the Using Pesticides Wisely One-On-One and Classroom Trainings for those that have a pesticide license.