Planting of cotton and peanuts will begin to ramp-up in the coming weeks. Important that growers pay careful attention to soil conditions, especially soil temps. Soil moisture is very important, especially for non-irrigated fields, but so is soil temperatures. At least that’s what our Corn, Cotton, and Peanut team leaders told me. Remember this well,…
Just a few notes this morning: Rain expected today and Saturday across much of southern Georgia will bring cool, wet soils that are perfect for seedling diseases in cotton and peanut. So, in my opinion, best to wait. I think Dr. Monfort and Dr. Hand would agree that planting either peanut or cotton under such…
Early Season Disease and Nematode Management (Bob Kemerait): For a few, planting cotton hasalready begun. For most, it is imminent and rapidly approaching; planting cotton across the state ofGeorgia will be in “full-swing” in only a matter of weeks.Given that the vast majority of Georgia’s cotton crop is “still in the bag”; I want to…
Why are we so worried about seed and seedling diseases on peanut this year? Answer: Seed quality and seedling diseases are ALWAYS a concern for our growers; however they are, perhaps, a more urgent problem this year because A) conditions at harvest and during storage in 2019-2020 have predisposed the seed to problems, B) Aspergillus…
Posted in: Disease -
Bob KemeraitEarly-Season Disease and Nematode Threats, You Get One ChanceWhen asked about their disease management program, growers will likely focus on the fungicides thatthey will use over the course of a season to protect their crop from leaf spot, white mold, and possibly afew other diseases such as Rhizoctonia limb rot. Obviously, these diseases can…
Planting season is upon us and critical decisions with regards to season-long disease and nematode control must be made before the furrow is closed. I’ll be sending you frequent updates regarding disease and nematode considerations. For now, there are 3, wait, 4 critical issues, as I see them. Nematode management for corn producers. Options are…
Posted in: Disease -
Thu. Jan 16, 2020 GA Peanut Farm Show UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center Fri Jan. 24, 2020 8:00 am Extension Peanut and Cotton Meeting Morehead Store Irwinville Jan 27- Mar 9, 2020 6:00 pm-8:30 pm Grass Masters (Consecutive Monday Nights – Cost $25) Ben Hill Senior Citizens Center Fitzgerald Register by calling (229) 426-5175 or…
By: Dr. Bob Kemerait Here are some comments: Finding white mold in a field in August is not necessarily a “BAD” thing for me. It demonstrates that A) SOMEONE cares enough to look, and B) SOMEONE knows what white mold looks like. White mold is likely to be found now in most every field…
What I think is most important at the moment is white mold on peanuts. Conditions are red-hot for early outbreaks of white-mold based upon A) very hot temperatures in the recent past and now B) ample rainfall and soil moisture. Whether banded early season applications of Proline (5.7 fl oz) or including something as simple…