Following is an article on “Fertilizing Winter Annuals” by Jeremy Kichler, Colquitt County Extension Coordinator. We have been getting some questions recently about winter grazing, and this is some timely information. If we can be of assistance, let us know. By Jeremy Kichler, Colquitt County CEC Winter annual forages can be very expensive to establish and…
Written below is the latest post from the Beef Tips ‘n Advice blog. By Jason Duggin (UGA Beef Extension Specialist) “Has the hay you plan to feed this winter been tested? If so, you have the tools necessary to help maintain appropriate body condition for your herd and better plan for those potential winter…
There has been some calls on checking some wheat, rye, and oats cover crop/grazing where bare spots in the field have been noticed. Several fields of cover crop/grazing have been checked this week and we have seen a high population of armyworms (fall, yellowstriped, beet, southern) feeding extensively in the areas that are almost bare,…
Recent harvest conditions have been ideal for our peanut and cotton farmers. We have done maturity clinics and checked peanut fields for optimum digging and harvest timing of peanuts, and we have also looked at many cotton fields with growers to plan defoliation and harvest. Harvest activity is also steady in our vegetable fields at…
We just wanted to make sure everyone had the opportunity, and was aware of the 2019 Southeastern Hay Contest. Attached below, is the website, rules, and entry form. The deadline for entry into the SE Hay Contest is 5 p.m. on Thursday, September 19, 2019. Southeastern Hay Contest 2019 SE Hay Contest Rules & Entry…
Dr. Dennis Hancock talks about oats showing nutrient deficiency, and barley yellow dwarf virus symptoms in his latest blog.
Posted in: Forages -
I had a call recently about purpling on ryegrass cover whether it was nutrient deficient or if there was any disease by chance. I went to this field and made some observations as well as take leaf samples back to prepare slides for microscopic viewing to see if there may be any disease. I did…
Posted in: Forages -
2019 Spring Master Cattleman POSTER updated Attached is the link to the 2019 Southwest Georgia Master Cattleman’s Program flyer. It has dates, location and prices on it. A Few things not on the flyer: · If a spouse or child wants to attend with someone getting the materials and does not want a set, the cost…
Hello everyone, attached you will find some good information about nutritional considerations this season going into calving written by the UGA Specialist and an ag agent in collaboration. Lawton Stewart, Extension Animal Scientist, UGA Roger Gates, Whitfield County Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent, UGA Cooperative Extension This year has proved to be quite an interesting…