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REMINDER!! The Georgia Conservation Tillage Alliance Annual Meeting will be held on February 18th and 19th in Tifton at ABAC’s Georgia Museum of Agriculture (Agrirama). See the flyer for registration and lodging information, and for the slate of speakers. For more information contact (229) 314-0196 or email:
We have a couple more production meeting dates for growers. The Peanut Production meeting is February 27th at 6:00 p.m. Then on March 6th, we will host piggy-back meetings of Row Crop Irrigation at 11:00 a.m., followed by Row Crop Disease Management meeting at 12:30 p.m. See the flyer below for details. Please contact the…
Worth County Extension hosted the Extension Cotton Production meeting last Friday, February 7th. Growers received the latest information on cotton varieties, deer damage to cotton (research), insect pest management, and an update from the GA Cotton Commission. We appreciate Dr. Camp Hand and Dr. Phillip Roberts from the UGA Cotton Team sharing cotton production information.…
We had our first Worth County Extension production meeting yesterday morning on January 30, 2025. Thanks to Dr. Eric Prostko and Dr. Stanley Culpepper for sharing the latest information in row crop weed management. Also, thank you to our sponsors which support our agriculture programming. We are looking forward to seeing many of our Worth…
Many of the winter production meetings for Worth County producers are happening in February. We look forward to seeing you soon at some of these meetings. Next Friday is the next one – Worth County Extension Cotton Production Meeting. This meeting was rescheduled due to the snowy conditions last week. See the flyer below for…
The 2025 Corn Short Course will be coming up on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. The day begins with registration at 8:00 a.m. (Early registration is $10; at the door is $15). The program begins at 8:20 a.m. and finishes at 3:15 p.m. See the flyer below for information and to register, go to:*acctcode If…
Posted in: Corn -
The Georgia Conservation Tillage Alliance Annual Meeting will be held on February 18th and 19th in Tifton at ABAC’s Georgia Museum of Agriculture (Agrirama). See the flyer for registration and lodging information, and for the slate of speakers. For more information contact (229) 314-0196 or email: If we can be of assistance at Worth…
Due to wintry weather, our Worth County Extension Cotton Production meeting was postponed this week. We have rescheduled the cotton meeting for February 7, 2025. Please see the updated flyer with our production meeting dates. If we can be of assistance at Worth County Extension, please let us know. University of Georgia is an Equal…
If you watch social media for weather news, you will have noticed that another blast of very cold air is expected early next week starting on Sunday and lasting through Thursday. Many parts of the state will experience morning temperatures into the teens and some areas of the state may stay below freezing for a…
Posted in: Weather