Harvest season is here! Corn, soybean, peanut, and cotton harvest time, and pecans will be following soon. This week dust is flying as peanuts are being dug and harvested in the county. Pictured below are some things you might be seeing in the next few weeks.
This week we harvested a couple of peanut trials near Sumner. We are hoping to share results and to have some good information for our peanut growers after all the data is complete. The trials include a trial which compared in-furrow fertilizer at various rates and no in-furrow fertilizer, and the second, a growth regulator (Apogee) trial in Georgia-06G with treated versus non-treated plots. Thanks to our cooperators, Tim and Tommy Sumner, and to Dr. Scott Monfort and his peanut crew for working with us. Below are pictures of the harvest.
Macie Wheeler and Dr. Monfort Worth County Extension “peanut team”
(Scott Carlson, Macie Wheeler, Kristen Ford)
We have been holding peanut maturity clinics at different locations in the county since the end of August. Starting next week (October 4), we will be checking peanut maturity samples at the Worth County Extension Office. Please contact the office or county agent to make sure that we are available to assist.
If we can be of assistance to you at Worth County Extension, please let us know.