Virtual Extension Crop Production meetings have been taking place since early January. Many growers and agriculture supporters have attended these online. There are a few opportunities left to attend virtually. Please click on Extension meetings to see the details. If you need assistance or have questions regarding these meetings, please let us know at Worth County Extension – 229-776-8216.
Youth Livestock Shows – The Worth County Swine Show will be Saturday, February 13 at the Worth County Ag Pavilion, with the show beginning at 10:00 a.m. Come out and support our youth! The show will be following COVID-19 guidelines (wear a mask and keep social distance) to have a safe and successful show. Next week, February 18-21, many of the youth will be attending the State Livestock Show in Perry, GA, to show market hogs, steers, and heifers.
The 2021 Corn Production Guides and the 2021 Cotton Production Guides are available at the Worth County Extension Office. The 2021 Peanut Quick Guides will be in soon. Also, the UGA Pest Management Handbooks will soon be available to order; we will let you know as we get more information.
Please let us know if we can be of assistance at the Worth County Extension Office at 229-776-8216.