A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

We are starting to see some stink bug activity increase in corn fields while we are checking on disease pressure. Overall no fields appear to be bad enough to warrant treatment, but now is a good time to go over some stink bug information.

Stink bugs feed on small developing ears through the husk and can damage kernels.

V12-Tassel- an R1/R2 stages of corn are when stink bugs should be checked to see if there is a damaging level present.

Thresholds: 25% (1 stink bug out of every 4 plants) is present for Tassel stage (pre-ear formation)

R1/R2 (silking and blister stage): threshold is 1 stink bug per 2 plants. 

If treatment is necessary, pyrethroids such as bifenthrin is the product of choice. Brown stink bugs are harder to kill, but with a high rate of bifenthrin you could expect to see about 75-90% control.

Also in relation to stink bugs, here is a link to an app that is based for cotton but you enter your specific stink bug information, crop stage, other insects present, etc, and it gives you a recommendation. This app may be found useful to you all. Cotton Insect Advisor https://apps.bugwood.org/apps/gacottoninsectadv/

Adult Brown Stink Bug


Stink Bug Nymph


Scouting Corn


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