Water is everywhere. It is used by us, plants, animals and as we have learned moves in a cycle. The Georgia 4-H Program looked at water in one of their Zoom into Science programs and I wanted to share it with you here.
Zoom into Science – All about Water The Southwest District 4H2O Team shared all about the importance of earth’s water – from agriculture, health, and human use. This long-standing, successful 4-H program shifted to a virtual format for the summer of 2020. Presenters include Debra Cox, Mitchell County Extension 4-H Educator, Sylvia Davis, Baker/Mitchell County Extension FCS Agent, Brian Hayes, Mitchell County Extension ANR Agent, Cale Cloud, Southwest District Extension Water Agent, and Calvin Perry, UGA Stripling Irrigation Research Park Superintendent.
The video explains the 4-H2O program that has become a large Water Education Event with the Mitchell County Extension Office and the UGA CAES Stripling Irrigation Park in Camilla, GA. Enjoy the program and if you have questions about the 4H2O program please contact the Mitchell County UGA Extension Office.