
  • Well, we missed the destruction of Hurricane Dorian and the Bulldawgs won so it was a pretty decent week. While I enjoy the holiday (Labor Day) it really does seem to mess the week up. Peanuts: Maturity check still going on. Mondays at Tift Peanut Plant 2, Wednesdays at Omega Farm Supply, and Fridays at…

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  • Peanuts: We started checking maturity this week. Early planted April peanuts seemed to be right on target for O6s (140-144 days). Late April planted peanuts seemed a little ahead (134-137 days). The peanuts below were planted in early April and were currently 134 days old. In 10 days those yellow peanuts will mature into the…

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  • Irrigating is a simple application that helps users schedule irrigation events for vegetable crops. The application provides the crop water demand during the season (based on a historical weather data set and crop growth stages) for most of the vegetables grown in the state of Georgia.

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  • The training will cover the standardized curriculum designed by the Produce Safety Alliance, which meets the regulatory requirements of the Produce Safety Rule under FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act). The course will provide a foundation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and comanagement information, FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirements, and details on how to develop a…

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  • Here is a great article on Alternaria resistance in brassica crops by Clint Thompson.

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