Tattnall County Extension and Evans County Extension would like to invite you to join us in our newest program, Gardening Together. The Gardening Together program is designed to help youth and their families start a home garden. The Extension Office will provide each family who registers with starter seeds, as well as directions on planting and caring for their garden. We ask that families complete this activity together as a way to spend quality time outdoors and engaged in physical activity. While a limited variety of seeds will be shared, we can also provide information and answer questions about other fruits and vegetables you may choose to grow in your garden. Seeds that are provided can be grown directly in the soil or in containers. If you would like to join us in Gardening Together, please complete the following form. You will receive an email from us soon with details on how to receive your seeds. Membership is limited to 30 families, so register soon to save your spot.
Registration Link: https://bit.ly/gardeningtogether