Registration Information & Sign Up Form: Tattnall County 4-H State Council Registration Packet
Scholarship Application (Due May 29!): State Council 19 Tattnall Scholarship Application (editable)
Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become productive and contributing members of society by providing life and leadership skills, encouraging civic engagement. On June 21-23, 2019, hundreds of Georgia 4-H 8th-12th grade youth members will meet at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center for the annual State 4-H Council Meeting. This year’s theme is “Rooted in the Classics,” focusing on the original purpose of State Council and civic engagement. This is the constitutional meeting of the Georgia 4-H Council, where 4-H youth vote on proposed amendments to the 4-H constitution and elect Georgia 4-H State Officers.
“Serving as a page for the United States Senate has helped me to witness the democratic process firsthand,” said George Moore, State 4-H Representative from Stephens County. “It is imperative that young people take part in the process. That’s why, every year, State Council offers a citizenship ceremony, in which all 4-H’ers who are turning eighteen, take the pledge remain engaged voters throughout their lives.”
Some 4-H’ers will also be participating in Dean’s Awards and State Congress Food Labs and Performing Arts categories. However, it’s not all business. The Iron Clover Award is given to the district that excels in a basketball, softball, volleyball, musical chairs tournaments and so much more. This year, there will be new competitions, including Giant Jenga, Extreme Tic-Tac-Toe and the Great Canoe Race. There will also be performances from Clovers & Co. and evening dances. The meeting will end with a pool and dance party to celebrate a success weekend.
Also, State 4-H Leader and Director of 4-H Arch Smith will be getting slimed as a result of the $4 for 4-H giving day receiving full 159 Georgia county participation and raising over $35,000. If 850 Georgia 4-H delegates attend the State Council meeting full-time, the entire State Board of Directors will be pied. To see a special message from the State Board about this year’s State Council meeting, visit
Youth are also given the opportunity to share with others through participating in the Exhibit Fair or serving as a Service Project Leader. The Exhibit fair features tri-fold exhibits similar to fair mini-booths and allows youth to share about topics they are passionate about. Interested youth can apply online to display their exhibit at this year’s State Council by visiting Older high school youth may wish to serve as a Service Project Leader. In most cases, Service Project LEaders are enccouraged to bring supplies to host a booth where youth can participate in some type of craft or activity that will create an item\items that can then be donated for a charitable cause. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, creating sensory items for Children’s hospitals, writing cards to military service personnel, or making paper flowers to exhibit at a local nursing home. To apply to be a Service Project Leader, you will need to complete the online application at All applications for exhibitors and service project leaders are do online by May 29th!
Thanks to generous sponsorship by our local Board of Commissioners, Tattnall County 4-H will offer four full scholarships to State Council this year. These scholarships will be awarded based on a competitive application process. Applications will be judged based on 4-H involvement over the past 12 months, a written essay, and age (preference will be given to 11th & 12th grade youth). This scholarship can be given to someone who has previously received a State Council scholarship or discounted registration. All applications must be turned in to the Tattnall County Extension Office no later than May 29th at 5 p.m.
Registration for State Council will be held from June 3-June 7, 2019 at the Tattnall County Extension Office. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Closed from Noon – 1 p.m. daily for lunch). For more information, please call (912) 557-6724.
Registration Information & Sign Up Form: Tattnall County 4-H State Council Registration Packet
Scholarship Application (Due May 29!): State Council 19 Tattnall Scholarship Application (editable)