Grow It Know It Teacher Training
Join us at the University of Georgia’s student garden UGArden (Athens, GA) for 3 days of intensive farm to school educator training. Session topics include soil fertility education, garden planning and planting, curriculum connections, food labs, and more! Fees include materials needed for hands-on training sessions, breakfast, lunch, and GIKI gear.
Sessions will run from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm June 8th, 9th, and 10th. Participation will be capped in order to maintain social distancing. Registration required by June 1st. See attached flyer for more information and visit the link below to register: Spread the word!
Sustainable Food Systems Initiative Information Session
Preregister here:
Gather Film Event
The Sustainable Food Systems Initiative is excited to host a FREE screening of the film “Gather” during the week of April 16th – 23rd, along with a panel discussion of the film at 3:00PM EDT April 22nd. For more information, visit the “Gather Film Event” page HERE.
Exploring Interdisciplinary Careers in Sustainable Food Systems Panel Discussion
The Sustainable Food Systems Initiative is hosting a virtual panel discussion focused on identifying and exploring professional opportunities in the interdisciplinary sphere of Sustainable Food Systems. Please join us as we talk with panelists Farmer Jamila Norman of Patchwork City Farms (Atlanta, GA), Dr. Safira Sutton of Boost Biomes, Elizabeth Hill of USDA/ EPA, and Dr. Steven Mirsky of USDA/ Precision Sustainable Agriculture. Registration is required (link below) and questions for the panelists can be submitted to ahead of the event.
Date: Thursday, February 11, 2021
Time: 12:30 – 2:00 PM EST
Hearts of Glass Screening and Discussion
The Sustainable Food Systems Initiative is co-sponsoring a screening and panel discussion of the award winning film “Hearts of Glass”.
You can stream the film between Friday, Oct. 23, and Friday, Oct. 30, at and join the panel discussion at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 27. Register for the free panel event here.
Sustainable Food Systems Certificate Info Session
Monday, August 17th, 2020 at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM via Zoom: JOIN HERE
Are you a graduate student interested in sustainability, food justice, and the future of our food systems? The Sustainable Food Systems Initiative is hosting a virtual information session about the Sustainable Food Systems Graduate Certificate – an interdisciplinary approach to exploring and solving issues of sustainable food production, access, and utilization. There will also be an update on the National Needs Fellowship program.
Foodshed UGA Faculty Workshops
What we eat and how we eat have major implications for our future sustainability and health. Foodshed UGA is a new initiative to engage the campus and community in sustainability and innovation through the food we eat.
We want you to join us by engaging your class with this topic and making a tangible difference to improve our food system through interdisciplinary collaboration, partnerships with the local community, and innovative solutions. Whether you teach composition, history, agriculture, art, public health, or any other discipline, there is a place for you and your students.
Faculty from all disciplines are invited to a 1.5 hour workshop focused on engaging courses with Foodshed UGA as a tool for experiential and service learning. The workshop will introduce food system curricular materials and resources, campus partners and community needs, and provide an opportunity for cross disciplinary conversation and brainstorming.
Workshops will be offered twice. Please sign up here to attend either date:
Thursday April 25, 2:00-3:30pm
Monday April 29: 8:30am-10am
Foodshed UGA is an initiative of the Sustainable Food Systems Initiative, Office of Service-Learning, and the Office of Sustainability in collaboration with valued campus and community partners.