We have our County Production Meetings scheduled for 2017. Private and Commercial pesticide applicators will receive 1 hour of re-certification credit for all meetings except the Ag Economic and Irrigation Meetings. You must RSVP (912-375-6648) at least two days before the meeting so we have a head count for the meal.
Posted in: Cattle, Chemical, Cotton, Fertilizer, Forages, Meetings and Field Days, Peanut, Weed Control -
UGA’s statewide variety testing is very important to the farmers of Georgia. Making the right decision when selecting plant variety is key to maximize yield potential.
Posted in: Corn -
See the below letter from Dow regarding the EPA comment period: This is the last opportunity for growers to have their voice heard by the EPA. The public comment period will close on January 17, 2017.
Posted in: Chemical -
Agricultural limestone is the main product used to adjust soil pH. However there are also a number of lime by-products such as wood ash and various materials coming out of pulp/paper mills available. How does a farmer know if a lime by-product is sufficient to use on their crop land and if it is worth…
I began writing a post on peanuts nearly three weeks ago. As I come back to it now most of the decisions to be made on harvest are done. So I will take a few minutes to wrap some things up.
I am sure most of you have seen this posted online and in magazines already but to make sure. Here is the FSA Fact Sheet for the newly announced Cotton Ginning Cost-Share Program.
Posted in: Cotton -
Many of you have already received notification of changes at the Farm Service Agency Office. Below is the announcement:
Posted in: Uncategorized