Lenny Wells
Now that Pawnees have shell hardened and we approach shell hardening on most other varieties in the next week, it is time to start thinking seriously about managing stink bugs and weevils. Prior to shell hardening these pests simply knock nuts off the trees as they feed or lay eggs. Going forward after shell hardening,…
Posted in: Insect Management -
We’re into late summer and seeing some leaf scorching out there. The two most common types I have had calls on this week have been from the scorching of young trees from heat stress. On older trees we are seeing a fair amount of terminal die back (Neofusicoccum). I went back and looked at the…
I just returned from the Texas Pecan Growers Conference. The pecan estimate from the meeting is found below: Alabama : 2 million Arizona: 38 million Arkansas: 3 million California: 5 million Florida: 2 million Georgia: 82 million Kansas: 2 million Louisiana: 8 million Miss: 1 million Missouri: 1 million New Mex: 96 million Oklahoma: 13…
Much of the following is a post from 2017 but timely for our situation at the moment: Pecan scab is enjoying ideal weather in much of Georgia at this time. This has kept most growers busy trying to keep the trees sprayed between rain showers. A common question we get during such conditions is “how long does…
Posted in: Disease -
The article found at the link below describes the hard time Western pecan growers are having getting enough good-quality irrigation water this year. This emphasizes the importance of managing the water we have here in the Southeast wisely. You should be at 45-50% of your irrigation system’s full capacity in July for nut sizing. If…
Posted in: Environmental -
Temperatures later this week are predicted to be pretty warm for this time of year. We are coming off a pretty cool spring and are diving right into summer. The trees have not had much chance so far to be conditioned for temps in the upper 90’s. This may lead to a few issues you…
Posted in: Environmental -
Good news! The University of Georgia Pecan Team will be holding its Beginner’s Pecan Course on June 15, 2021 in-person at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia. This course is held every other year and covers all you need to know about pecan production including production costs, cultivar selection, fertilization, irrigation, cultural…
Posted in: Programming