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Direct link: Archive: In this issue: Georgia 4-H alumni reflect on participation and show lifelong impact Great Georgia Pollinator Census returns this August Practicing with masks before school starts can help kids with new rules Supporting youth mental health and wellbeing
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I picked up a trade magazine at the office yesterday. It was packed full of stories about record spring sales at garden centers and unprecedented questions from new and often first-time gardeners. Have you seen this where you are at? Maybe you are seeing for the first time neighbors out in their yard or flower…
MGEVs, are you part of the media team in your local program? Do you write articles for local newspapers? your office blogs or websites? contribute to your county Extension’s social media sites? If so, then this post is for you! You might use this list as a source of article ideas to cover more in…
Posted in: Ornamentals -
We are looking forward to part two of this year’s Regional Leadership Conference series coming up in August. We are learning how to develop and deliver a strong Extension message that engages the community around plants and gardening. Our first session, Communicate to Connect, was offered in June. You can read more about it here.…
We are looking forward to the upcoming August Thoughtful Thursday session next week, August 13 at 2 PM. Jason Lessl, Program Coordinator of the Agricultural & Environmental Services Lab (AESL), will join us to discuss Soils. The Zoom link to access the live session will be emailed to GA MGEVs, so keep an eye on…
Posted in: Ornamentals
We have recently learned of unsolicited seeds, possibly from China, being sent in the mail to residents of the United States. We want to assure you that this is a legitimate concern and should you or someone you know receive one of these packages, the Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) has advised that you do…
Posted in: Continuing Education and Awareness -
MGEVs, are you part of the media team in your local program? Do you write articles for local newspapers? your office blogs or websites? contribute to your county Extension’s social media sites? If so, then this post is for you! You might use this list as a source of article ideas to cover more in…
Posted in: Ornamentals -
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