In 2021, 2,311 active GA MGEVs logged 135,217 volunteer service hours equating to $3,859,093 given back to communities around the state of Georgia. Even amidst the worldwide pandemic, MGEVs continued to support consumer horticulture programming to the extent that they could. Many traditional volunteer roles were not possible, but when they could, MGEVs offered socially distant services, such as virtual workshops, seminars, and diagnostics. Check out the 2021 annual report below or head to our Impact page. We also have a video that recaps the outstanding service of GA MGEVs on our Celebrating Georgia MGEVs During National Volunteer Week page. We hope you enjoy the report and celebration materials as much as we enjoyed putting them together! Working with you, learning from the skills and talents you share, appreciating your enthusiasm for plants and gardening, and supporting you in making a difference in your communities through your volunteer projects is the best part of what we do!