Traditionally celebrated the third Saturday in March, MGEV Appreciation Day is a time to celebrate the accomplishments of MGEVs and to say “thank you” for partnering with Extension in educational outreach to our communities. For several years, UGA Extension has been celebrating during Volunteer Appreciation Week, a national celebration of volunteerism. We’ve had a social media campaign to recognize all volunteer contributions to Extension, highlighting to the mission-centric importance of volunteer contributions to Extension outreach.
In the spirit of celebrating volunteers throughout Extension, we’ll be celebrating MGEVs statewide in April during National Volunteer Week. We will have a special event for MGEVs during that week (April 15-21, 2018). Look for more details after the first of the year! Local MGEV programs are also welcome to continue celebrations at other times of the year, if they wish.
Just thought you might want to put this on your calendars!