Project Achievement is a public speaking competition where 4-Hers choose a topic of interest and present a 10-12 minute speech on the subject. They are also required to submit a portfolio which represents all their work over the year in categories such as project work, community service, leadership activities and other 4-H and school organizations they participate in. This competition teaches 4-Hers personal and professional skills such as research, public speaking and helps them learn the process of creating a resume, the release states.
Madison County had twenty-two 4-H’ers submit portfolios and twenty-one competed in the demonstration competition in grades 7th-12th with 11 juniors, 7th and 8th graders, and 11 seniors, 9th – 12th graders.
Ten students placed first through third in their project areas and are as follows:
Parker Varnadoe, 11th grader at Madison County High School, placed 1st in the Performing Arts – General project; Kaylie Goldman, 12th grader at Madison County High School, placed 1st in the Workforce Preparation and Careers project; Emily Bishop, 8th grader at Madison County Middle School, placed 1st in the Workforce Preparation project and Lydia Mattox, 7th grader at Madison County Middle School, placed 1st in the Sports – Team project. Madison Allen, 8th grader at Madison County Middle School, placed 2nd in the Companion Animal Science project; Harlie Bishop, 7th grader at Madison Middle School, placed 2nd place in the Target Sports project; and Sa’Lee Evans, 8th grader at Madison County Middle School, placed 2nd in the Sports – Individual project; Alyssa Goldman, 10th grader at Madison County High School, placed 2nd in the Plants and Soil Sciences project; and Tyler Guest, 9th grader at Madison County High School, placed 2nd in the Flowers, Shrubs and Lawns project. Carter Hendricks, 8th grader at Madison County Middle School placed 3rd in the General Recreation project;
Other 4-H’ers receiving Honorable Mention in their project competitions included: Clayton Adams, 10th grader at Madison County High School, competed in the History project; Nathan Casper, 7th grader at Madison County Middle School, in the Engineering project; Marlenea Duncan, 7th grader at Madison County Middle School; Tristan Emswiler, 8th grader at Madison County Middle School, in the Festive Foods project; Autumn Getter, 8th grader at Madison County Middle School, in the General Recreation project; Ethan Gosnell, 9th grader at Madison County High School, in the Health project; Alexis Gross, 11th grader at Madison County High School, in the Human Development Project; Jarrett Lasseter, 10th grader at Madison County High School in the Computers and Technology project; Sophie Merka, 11th grader at Madison County High School, competed in the Horse project; Jonathan Painter, 9th grader at Madison County High School, in the Safety project; Michelle Perry, 10th grader at Madison County High School in the International project; Elise Sparks, 8th grader at Madison County Middle School, in the Better Breakfast project. Georgia Kane also submitted a Portfolio in the Public Speaking project.
Senior 4-Hers at the district contest advance to State 4-H Congress. This is a week-long event held in Atlanta, Georgia where 4-Hers will have the opportunity to compete against 4-Hers across the state of Georgia with their presentations and portfolios as well as undergo an interview process. 4-Hers who compete in this level of competition can earn the highest honor as a Georgia 4-Her, Master 4-H Status. This title shows they are the best in the state in their project area. The 2020 delegates are Kaylie Goldman and Parker Varnadoe.
Madison County 4-H also had one 4-H’er, Parker Varnadoe that served in his role as a member of the Senior District Board of Directors. He led his peers and hosted many events for the District over the last one year term. 4-Hers who wish to serve on the board must campaign all weekend at Rock Eagle during District Project Achievement. They write a campaign speech to present in front of their peers, create posters and make many new friends during this process. Madison County 4-Her, Clayton Adams, completed all these requirements and did a great job running for Senior District Board of Directors.
Madison County 4-H’ers were triumphant with their Special District Awards as well. Alexis Gross and Lilli Cabaniss and other helping 4-H’ers were recognized for their 1st Place Community Service with their supper at the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House. Clayton Adams, Alyssa Goldman, Kaylie Goldman and Parker Varnadoe were recognized as 1st Place for their Leadership achievements with their After School Recreational Middle School Meetings. Parker Varnadoe was also recognized as Teen Leader Award for his Performing Arts and Collections at the Hampton House Award; Tyler Guest and Madison Allen placed 3rd with their Companion Animal Project Club and Emily Bishop won Honorable Mention Project Club for her Veterinary Science Project Club. Parker Varnadoe also raised the most money for his district board for the Extra Special People with a combined District Board funds raising almost $750.00.
Madison County 4-Hers at District Project Achievement were led by Susan Goldman, 4-H agent; Bradley Averill, FCS agent; and Deborah Wofford, 4-H Program Assistant. Madison County 4-H would like to thank all of the volunteer leaders and donors who made this opportunity possible for our 21 competitors. Melissa Maddox and Amanda Adams helped insure that students were transported to their locations for their events. Melissa and Amanda also served as an overnight chaperone. Ryan Melton and Loretta Phillips served as bus drivers for District Project Achievement. Juanita Popp and Carole Knight, County Extension Coordinator and ANR agent helped with registration and load – up before the group left for District Project Achievement.
For more information on Madison County 4-H, please contact (706) 795-2281.