On Thursday, January 28th, Long County 4-H held a Meet & Greet from 4-6pm. We had a great turnout as 20-25 people showed up (including members and parents). It was a great way to kick off the new year and talk about the clubs they’d like Long County 4-H to start and interests they have that can be utilized in 4-H programming.

The Meet & Greet consisted of handouts for parents including waivers, a newsletter, and a promotional brochure about the program. The students also received sheets that they got to fill out about activities, contests and clubs they would like to be a part of or participate in this year. We played some games to introduce the students to each other better and planted seeds outside in our new pollinator soil pods in partnership with the GA Soil and Water Conservation District.
We also had our first Jr./Sr. Club Meeting on Tuesday, February 2nd from 3:30-5pm. We played 4-H Pictionary along with discussing what the older students would like to see happen with Long County 4-H in 2021. Our next Jr./Sr. Club Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 2nd from 4:30-6pm in hopes that we give families more time between the end of school and getting off the bus/transportation to join us. We encourage the community to share any ideas they have with us as well as share our updates and information with your friends. That is the best way to get our name out there and let people know that we are looking for active members to join us in the fun! We also have a Facebook page that you can like (Long County 4-H) and Instagram page that you can follow (long4h).
Additionally, you can sign up for Remind and subscribe to our monthly Long County 4-H club newsletter. That information can be found on our county webpage at extension.uga.edu. There is also more information about becoming a volunteer or being a 4-H member on our site as well! If you have any questions, our Extension Office is open from 8am-5pm Monday through Friday with the exception of holidays. You can also reach the 4-H Educator, Shelby Mumma, by email (shelby.mumma@uga.edu) or calling the Ext. Office at 912-545-9549.