Greetings!! Confirmed with Justin Shealey yesterday soybean rust on edamame in Echols Co. Soybean farmers across south GA are encouraged to apply a fungicide at R3 growth stage. White mold is moving…. It is not sleeping now….. punish it. He who waits is lost. This is showing up…. White mold active with perfect weather now…
Photos of plots taken July 22 A few comments: 1) UGA’s recommended weed control program [a) starting clean, b) planting in twin rows, c) using multiple residuals at planting that get activated by irrigation and/or rainfall, and d) making timely (34 DAP) POST applications] looks very good as usual. This location has received 14.12″ of…
“Georgia” Storm for Peanut/Soybean Tank-Mixes (Prostko) 1) Since the agent training in Tifton on June 6, I have had numerous questions about the “Georgia” Storm that I talked about in peanuts. The commercial formulation of Storm 4SL from UPL is a pre-mixture (i.e. 1 jug) of acifluorfen (1.33 lbs ai/gal) + bentazon (2.67 lbs ai/gal). …
Greetings- In T-town this morning it is 77F and 94% relative humidity. All eyes are on the approaching storm, but it deserves mention that our temperatures, especially night time temperatures, are still excellent for development of white mold. This makes careful consideration of a plan for fungicide applications ahead of the storm that much more…