Photos of plots taken July 22

A few comments: 

1) UGA’s recommended weed control program [a) starting clean, b) planting in twin rows, c) using multiple residuals at planting that get activated by irrigation and/or rainfall, and d) making timely (34 DAP) POST applications] looks very good as usual.  This location has received 14.12″ of rainfall since May 1 (3.56″ above average) and the residual herbicides have lasted longer than anticipated.  

2) Once again, I see no significant differences in weed control between Prowl or Sonalan-based weed control programs.

3) The only tweeks to this program would be the addition of either Cobra or Ultra Blazer to the Cadre + 2,4-DB + Dual Magnum POST treatment.  Also, could use other Group 15 herbicides depending upon grower preference (Anthem Flex, Outlook, Warrant, Zidua).  Remember, Cobra has performed better on larger pigweeds than Ultra Blazer.

4) Generally, peanut growers have all the tools that they need for weed control (except for perennial broadleaf weeds).  Just have to figure out a better way for them to be more timely?  

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