
Confirmed with Justin Shealey yesterday soybean rust on edamame in Echols Co.  Soybean farmers across south GA are encouraged to apply a fungicide at R3 growth stage.

White mold is moving…. It is not sleeping now….. punish it.  He who waits is lost.

This is showing up…. White mold active with perfect weather now (warm, humid, sporadic rains) for spread. Growers MUST be aggressive and MUST stop the white mold spread now. That requires deploying a top white mold fungicide at an effective rate with enough spray volume to get it down in the canopy and subsequent rainfall or irrigation to further redistribute. Spraying at night when leaves are folded also helps. A lot. “Bob, what’s the best white mold fungicide??” Answer: one applied on time at right rate and that reaches the crown and limbs of the plant. Even Headline from days past fought white mold well IF a farmer could get it where it needed to be. “But Bob, the best white mold fungicides are expensive.” Response: “losing 1000 pounds to white mold is more expensive.”

Pic 6- wilted cotton, I call it CLRDV with bronze-wilt-like symptoms. Seed companies can call it anything they like. But it is still severe wilt in young cotton that is variety-specific when it comes to incidence in a field. “Every variety gets it” may or may not be true. But “some varieties get it much more than others” is truth.

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