“Georgia” Storm for Peanut/Soybean Tank-Mixes (Prostko)
1) Since the agent training in Tifton on June 6, I have had numerous questions about the “Georgia” Storm that I talked about in peanuts. The commercial formulation of Storm 4SL from UPL is a pre-mixture (i.e. 1 jug) of acifluorfen (1.33 lbs ai/gal) + bentazon (2.67 lbs ai/gal). The normal recommended use rate (by me) of commercial Storm is 16 oz/A when combined with Gramoxone (paraquat) in an early-post or “cracking” spray. Storm @ 16 oz/A is equivalent to rates of ~11 oz/A of Ultra Blazer 2LC (acifluorfen) + ~11 oz/A of Basagran/Broadloom 4LC (bentazon). In my opinion, 11 oz/A of Basagran/Broadloom is sometimes too much in this mix. At this rate, Basagran/Broadloom will reduce peanut leaf burn but could also reduce efficacy on some weeds in certain scenarios (i.e. larger Florida beggarweed and sicklepod).
I use the term “Georgia” Storm when growers choose to make their own by tank-mixing Ultra Blazer 2LC @ 16 oz/A and Basagran/Broadloom 4LC @ 8 oz/A (i.e. 2 separate jugs). These application rates are more ideal for the general weed complex that growers have in most Georgia peanut fields. Based upon some recent price estimates, “Georgia” Storm is ~$1.75/A cheaper than the commercial Storm. But, many growers prefer the convenience of only having to deal with 1 jug. Both Storm and “Georgia” Storm have performed very well in my 2024 research plots. See below.

2) I have had a a bunch of questions about the following tank-mixes in soybean. When I was conducting my original on-farm tropical spiderwort research in the early 2000’s, Liberty-Link soybeans were not yet commercialized (2009) and dicamba-tolerant soybeans were a pipe dream. Please note that Basagran is not labeled for use in combination with Engenia according to the latest tank-mix information (https://www.engeniaherbicide.com/tank-mix.html). However, Basagran is labeled for use with Xtendimax (https://www.xtendimaxapplicationrequirements.com/#/intro).