This is a great time of year to start preparing your lawn for spring. There are a number of things you can do.
Pruning- Prune roses and other woody ornamentals before their new spring growth. Dogwoods and azaleas may be trimmed back after they bloom. Cut just above a dormant bud or close to the main trunk just above the branch collar. Make sure to use sharp pruners that make a clean cut.
Fertilizer- Young, growing shrubs benefit from a fertilizer boost in the spring. A slow release fertilizer in late march or early April will help provide a supply of energy during the spring and summer. Be careful not to over fertilize. If you are concerned about nutrients, bring a soil sample in to your local Cooperative Extension office for testing. This will tell you the exact needs of your shrubs.
Prepare Flower Beds- annual flower beds can be weeded and the soil turned in preparation for transplants. Add compost, fertilizer, or additional soil to build up the nutrients in the beds.
Plant shrubs- Early spring is a good time to plant shrubs. Make sure to dig a wide hole at the depth of the root ball and water the shrub regularly as temperatures rise.
Weed control- It’s best to remove or kill weeds when they are smaller than 6 inches, as they can become difficult to control and will spread seed as they become larger. At this time, seeds are just waiting to germinate and emerge in our lawns and flower beds. Apply pre-emergent herbicides, mulch, or use landscape fabric to prevent them.
House Plants- As temperatures rise, house plants can go back outside as long as night time temperatures don’t dip below 50 degrees. This is also a good time to re-pot older plants that might be root bound.