A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Published by UGA Extension Food Science and Technology 

Food Industry

  • We are excited to be offering Introduction to Farm Food Safety, Preventive Controls for Human Foods, and Meat and Poultry HACCP this winter and spring! Check them out here!

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  • Are you a small-scale fruit and vegetable grower? Our Introduction to Farm Food Safety will introduce you to good agricultural practices! Small-scale fruit and vegetable growers will learn skills necessary to identify safety concerns and build knowledge on certifications and resources. Come join us for this one-day workshop on February 20th in collaboration with Glynn…

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  • If you’re manufacturing an acidified food product, the Georgia Department of Agriculture requires that you obtain acidified foods training. UGA’s Extension Food Science offers Better Process Control School (BPCS) in a fully-online, self-paced format. The course only covers the acidified track of BPCS.

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  • This program has been designed to meet the USDA’s training requirements and is accredited by the International HACCP Alliance, whose goal is to provide standardized training for the meat and poultry industries in HACCP principles. The course curriculum was developed by the American Meat Science Association to help processors understand, develop and apply Hazard Analysis…

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  • Have you been told you need a PCQI, but you aren’t sure what that means? The acronym stands for “Preventive Controls Qualified Individual,” and food manufacturers covered by the Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule are required to employ or contract with at least one such individual. A PCQI is responsible for developing a processor’s…

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  • Food Allergen Awareness photo with pictures depicting 9 major allergens

    May is Food Allergy Awareness month! To wrap up the month, we have a blog post on a common cause of food recalls: undeclared allergens on food labels. When people think of food recalls, most think of recalls due to foodborne illness. Famous recalls like the Peanut Corporation of America recall, Jensen Farms cantaloupe recall,…

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  • Authors: Matthew Livingston, Amrit Pal, Kaitlyn Casulli Introduction Insects are a significant part of traditional diets for at least 2 billion people, with over 1,900 species reported to be consumed as food (van Huis et al., 2013). Cicadas are one such insect. Indigenous peoples from the United States and Canada were known to eat cicadas…

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  • Whether measuring the pH of a new food product for classification or as part of a routine test for quality or safety, it is important to understand the principles behind pH measurement and ensure testing is performed properly. What is pH “pH” is an acronym derived from the Latin term potentia hydrogenii, meaning the “power…

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  • Upcoming Workshops with images of poultry and produce

    Packinghouse HACCP This International HACCP Alliance accredited course will discuss produce safety, Good Manufacturing Practices, and how to develop food safety programs based on the core principles of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP). The course will be offered February 29th-March 1st, 2024 at the Tift County Extension Office. Bridging the GAPs Fruit and vegetable…

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  • Join our team at FoodPIC!

    Interested in working for Extension Food Science and Technology? The Food Product Innovation and Commercialization Center (FoodPIC) is looking for an Administrative Specialist to join their team. They are looking for a highly motivated individual, who is passionate about helping food entrepreneurs reach their goals! The Administrative specialist will assist with project execution and manage…

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