Articles in this month’s issue include: 1. Georgia Cotton Commission Mid-Year Meeting – July 24, 2024 (Camp Hand) 2. Sidedressing June Planted Cotton, Foliar Feeding, and Urease Inhibitors (Glen Harris) 3. Cotton Aphid Management (Phillip Roberts) 4. July Mid-Season Cotton Irrigation Considerations (Jason Mallard, David Hall, Phillip Edwards,Daniel Lyon, and Wesley Porter) 5. Common Nutrient…
Written by Mark Abney We are at the point in the growing season where a lot of Georgia peanut fields are 25 to 35 days after planting. Though thrips pressure has not been particularly high in 2023, it doesn’t take many adults per plant to produce a damaging population of immatures on peanut. Thrips injury…
Since we are in a hot, dry pattern in Colquitt County the concern about Lesser Cornstalk Borer has increased. LCB pressure has been low (6/16/22) this week producers need to be on the look for this pest. Below are a few words from Dr. Mark Abney on the LCB situation around the state. Jun 15,…