Articles in this month’s issue include:
1. Georgia Cotton Commission Mid-Year Meeting – July 24, 2024 (Camp Hand)
2. Sidedressing June Planted Cotton, Foliar Feeding, and Urease Inhibitors (Glen Harris)
3. Cotton Aphid Management (Phillip Roberts)
4. July Mid-Season Cotton Irrigation Considerations (Jason Mallard, David Hall, Phillip Edwards,Daniel Lyon, and Wesley Porter)
5. Common Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms in Cotton (Henry Sintim and Glen Harris)
6. Wind and Hail Damaged Cotton (Wade Parker)
7. The Importance of Flowering in Cotton (Josh Lee, John Snider, and Camp Hand)
8. Thoughts on PGR use (Camp Hand)
9. Goosegrass, Nutsedge, Spiderwort, and Liberty (Stanley Culpepper)