The January Crop Progress and Condition Report for Georgia was released today. It says:
January 29, 2018
GEORGIA: Total rainfall for the month ranged from 0.5 inches in
Butts County to 8.9 inches in Rabun County. According to the U.S.
Drought Monitor, the percentage of the State in a moderate drought
increased 15 percentage points to 55 percent in January. Eighteen
percent of the State moved into the severe drought category. Average
temperatures were below normal for the month. Small grains, pastures,
and hayfields were in fair to good condition, but their development
was delayed from cold temperatures and minimal precipitation. Pest
pressure was negligible overall. Livestock condition was good, but
animals were stressed by cold weather. Hay quantities were sufficient,
but depleting quickly because of impeded growth of wi
nter grazing.
Cold weather injured onion foliage in many fields. Vegetables
sustained mild to significant freeze damage. Fruit and nut crops were
on track to accumulate enough chilling hours for the season. Field
activities included harrowing, tilling, applying chemicals for pest
management and soil fertility, burning hayfields, and laying beds for
watermelons and vegetables.
If you want this information for other states, go to and substitute in the name of your state for Georgia.