AgWeb had a timely article today describing the potential loss of agricultural revenue from crops due to the approaching storm Irma.  In the article they estimate that losses in Florida alone could be in the hundreds of millions of dollars.  However, in the story they do indicate that an October or November hurricane could be worse for the citrus crop, since the fruit would be larger at that point and less able to stand up to tropical winds.  You can read more about which crops are insured and other considerations here.

Brad Haire of the Southeast Farm Press also published an article today describing some of the potential impacts on peanut farmers and other agricultural producers in the South. You can read that as well as how state agricultural agencies are preparing for the storm here.

Torrential rains in south Florida’s Redlands growing region severely damaged winter yellow squash, zucchini and green beans, as well as this field of corn grown by Alger Farms. Source: Alger Farms via The Packer.